The York Region Critical Incident Stress Management Team
invites First Responders and their Families (16yrs+) to:
The Other Wet Floor
Explore the “other” occupational risks of working in a helping profession.
Monday, October 21st, 2024 from 8:30-11:30am
at Taylor Funeral Home, 524 Davis Drive, Newmarket (map)
JD Gilmour, Psychological Occupational Risk
Tickets are free with pre-registration. At the door, $30 for one or $60 for three
Free Parking
Presenter JD Gilmour is an experienced Employee Wellness professional with a focus in the areas of Accommodation, Disability Management and Return-to-Work.
He is a passionate about psychological health and safety, developer and facilitator of “The Other Wet Floor”, a customizable workshop on the psychological and emotional occupational risks of working in helping and caring professions. Ask JD about Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Moral Distress and the impacts they have on you and your team.
He helps people develop career-sustaining behaviours so they don’t have to choose between their own wellness and the career they love.