Thank you for considering a donation to the York Region CISM Team.
Our team is celebrating 20 years of providing service to the men and women of the emergency services in York Region.
As a registered charity we are able to provide receipts on request for donations received via mail and will provide one automatically for any online donations.
Our team is funded through donations and revenue from training courses and seminars sponsored through the year. We also receive some funding via the United Way when donors choose to direct their donation to us. We regularly receive donations from within and outside of York Region via the United Way.
As a team of volunteers we strive to ensure a minimal amount of money is put toward administrative costs. Funding we receive is primarily dedicated to costs associated to training team members and providing food and refreshments to the emergency services workers after debriefings.
If you would like to make a one-time donation or a recurring one, please use the Donate button below.
Registered Charitable Organization: 86806 6515 RR0001
You can arrange a recurring donation by contacting us.
Cheques may be mailed to:
119 Virginia Blvd,
Sutton West,
Ontario, L0E 1R0